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Non even a week later on launch, Kung-fu beat-em-up Sifu is a resounding success. The game saw a PC and PlayStation console launch on Feb 8 and has since and so made a dedicated Pak Mei disciple out of half a meg people. That being said, the game is quite hard to master, which could exist the reason developer Sloclap is looking to make the game more accessible for novice martial artists.

Drawing inspiration from pop Hong Kong action picture palace similar Bruce Lee's Fist of Fury, Sifu is all about mastering the art of combat and forcing the player to fence with the true nature of revenge. Executive producer Pierre Tarno had mentioned he wanted Sifu to be a memorable experience worth overcoming through sheer forcefulness of volition, ane that would encourage people to "larn, improve and adapt."

Today, streamer Steve Saylor spoke to Tarno during a livestream on his channel, where he confirmed that an easier and harder setting "similar to Metroid Dread's update" would be implemented presently. Saylor besides confirmed the improver of high contrast mode which "was on PC, merely not PlayStation four or PlayStation 5 at launch due to a problems." Furthermore, closed captioning will also be implemented. The concrete copy of Sifu is still expected to ship May iii.

While some might cramp at hard games getting a bit easier, having more than accessibility options (including difficulty sliders) will open the game upward to more players. At the end of the twenty-four hour period, more people gaming is always a good affair.